Post 65 Insurance
post 65
Understanding your health care coverage options is more complex than ever. Delphi Salaried Retirees Association - Benefit Trust (DSRA-BT) is committed to helping you make an informed choice, with tools and resources to guide you in exploring today’s new health plan options and the savings they can provide.
What Happens? What do I need to do?
What Happens?
All DSRA Benefit Trust members turning 65 will receive an “Aging Up” packet 90-120 days prior to turning 65.

Complete the forms above for the programs you wish to enroll in for your post 65 needs. Send completed forms to Benistar Retiree Service Center by mail, email or fax.
Changes in 2020
Changes this year to the AGE UP process...
The changes and steps are listed below.Pre-65 Dental and Vision enrollees must complete and submit the DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form two months prior to turning 65
to remain in the dental &/or vision plans. Another enrollment form is required if a participant wants to enroll in a Medicare supplement/prescription drug plan sponsored by DSRA-BT.
Once enrolled, Benistar will invoice each participant for Dental +/- Vision premiums as well as any additional plans you are enrolled in through the DSRA Benefit Trust
ALL Post-65 premiums including Hartford Medical, Prescription Drug, BCBSM Dental, BCBSM Vision and Guardian Life Insurance will be paid to Benistar effective 01/01/2020. NO 2020 Insurance premiums will be paid directly to BCBSM
Any members who wish to continue to pay their insurance premium with Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) must complete an Electronic Funds Transfer form with Benistar. If you have already established a 2020 EFT with Benistar, you do not have to complete a new form. Benistar will be your main contact. Any EFT that was established with BCBSM or Mercer in 2019 should be cancelled by calling BCBSM or Mercer. Members who have continued their Delphi provided MetLife Life and Accident Insurance benefits via the DSRA Benefit Trust, will continue to make their premium payments directly to MetLife as you did in 2019. No Change.
Dependents under 65 will automatically remain in Dental and/or Vision plans. No re-enrollment is required.
The completed DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form and EFT Enrolment form should be mailed, faxed or scanned & emailed to Benistar. All Post-65 premium payments should be mailed to the Benistar Retiree Service Center:
Mail: Benistar Retiree Service Center Email: memelig@Benistar.com
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
Fax: 1-860-408-7025
Enrollees who turn 65 are no longer automatically enrolled in the Post-65 dental and vision plans. All NEW Post-65 Dental and Vision enrollees including enrollees who turn 65 in the next 60 days, must complete an updated DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form to enroll in the dental and vision plans offered.

What is it?
Delphi Salaried Retirees Association - Benefit Trust’s current coverage requires participation in Medicare Parts A and B. Before you look into a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan, it’s important to understand what Medicare covers and the costs you may incur when utilizing Medicare services. Simply stated, Medicare is a health insurance program offered by the federal government. It covers:
✦ People 65 and older.
✦ People under 65 with certain disabilities.
✦ People of any age with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) requiring kidney dialysis or kidney transplant.

Medicare Part A covers inpatient treatment in a variety of settings including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, and other inpatient facilities. Medicare Part A involves deductibles and co-pays, * per benefit period, as well as long-term hospital stays over 90 days.
Medicare Part B is health insurance that covers doctor visits, exams, immunizations, checkups, and durable medical equipment. Like Part A, Medicare Part B involves out-of-pocket expenses including a monthly premium, annual deductible and typically 20 percent of the total cost of your care.**
Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. These plans reduce your overall health care costs by lowering the cost of your prescriptions. Each plan can vary by cost and drug coverage.
WHAT ARE YOUR MEDICARE OPTIONS? The two main ways to get your Medicare coverage are: Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Medicare Advantage Plans, sometimes called “Part C” or “MA Plans,” are offered by private, Medicare-approved companies. A Medicare Advantage plan provides all of your Part A and Part B coverage. Part D prescription drug coverage is sometimes included as well. Each plan can charge different out-of-pocket costs and have different rules for how you get services.
Medicare Supplement insurance, also called “Medigap,” is a private policy designed to pay some or all of the health care costs that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. It helps with expenses like co-payments, coinsurance and deductibles. Medicare Supplement plans can drastically reduce your financial liability, particularly during a prolonged hospitalization.
* Medicare Part A & B deductibles are set by CMS.
Please check Medicare.Gov for 2019 amounts. ** In addition to the monthly premium associated with a Medicare Advantage Plan, or Medicare Supplement Plan and/or Prescription Drug Plan, you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium
2020 post 65 plan coverage details

The DSRA BT offers Health, Dental, and Vision insurance for Salaried and Hourly retirees of Delphi.
You will find in this section information on and links to plan coverages available, premium rates, co-pays and annual deductibles, each of which impact your total out of pocket medical services cost. However, you cannot purchase stand alone RX from the Trust. You will also be able to navigate to guidebooks, enrollment forms, and carrier specific information
Eligibility qualification is administered for the Trust through Benistar, our new Plan Administrator.
Health Care- For post-65 retirees, spouses and surviving spouses, Hartford Insurance and Benistar/ESI provide the Trust with a Group Health Care Plan that includes Rx and operates like a Medicare Supplement plan. Three distinct plans are offered:
--Elite ---- comparable to a Medicare rated plan “F”
--Premium – comparable to a Medicare rated plan “D”
--Choice – comparable to a Medicare rated plan “G”
Again for 2020, if you purchase a plan from the Hartford, you are no longer required to purchase the Rx plan from the Trust. You can now purchase a Rx plan from the carrier of your choice to meet the Medicare requirement. However, you cannot purchase stand alone RX from the Trust. To enroll in any of the Hartford plans, you are required to complete 2 enrollment forms; 1) the Hartford form and 2) the DSRABT enrollment form.

Scroll down this page to find links to both these forms. The Benefit Choice Guidebook can be found by clicking here.
Retirees Post-65 Group Retiree Insurance Plan (GRIP)
DSRA-BT offers three medical plan choices to retirees over the age of 65. All three plans are underwritten by The Hartford.
Click here to view a side-by-side comparison of the three medical plans.

dental plans
Dental- For both pre and post-65 retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses, BCBS of Michigan provides the Trust with dental insurance. Dental insurance may be purchased separately. All Summaries state Effective Date as of 1/1/2016. They continue to be effective for 2020.

We understand the importance of good dental health. Good oral hygiene is important to your overall health. Regular visits to the dentist can help detect problems like gingivitis and even oral cancer. Plan on visiting your dentist once every six months. DSRA-BT offers dental coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM). The dental plan provides a wide variety of covered services – either covered in full or partially by the plan. Members will continue to have the choice to enroll in dental and/or vision which requires an application to be completed.
low dental plan
high dental plan

* Differences in Class coverage's for the Low Dental Plan and the High Dental Plan

If you are over 65 and covered by Medicare, you must provide your Medicare ID number and Part A and/or Part B effective Date in Section 1 of the Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status Form or call Benistar, our plan administrator, at
1-888-588-6682 to receive the reduced rate.
vision plans
Vision- For both pre and post-65 retirees, their dependents and surviving spouses, again for 2020, BCBS of Michigan provides the Trust with vision coverage for exams, frames and lenses. Vision insurance may be purchased separately. All Summaries state Effective Date as of 1/1/2016. They continue to be effective for 2020.

Click here for plan coverage details or for Summary of Benefits and Premiums.
Your eyes are your windows to wellness. Routine eye exams each year allows your eye doctor to detect symptoms of serious eye disease – such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration – and health conditions – such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. Caught early, many of these diseases are treatable. However, left undetected and untreated, these conditions can result in vision loss, a lower quality of life, and higher overall health care costs. DSRA-BT will continue to offer vision benefits through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM). The vision plan offers you comprehensive coverage – including eye exams and materials – through VSP, the nation’s largest vision care network, with 27,000 doctors and 41,000 locations. Members will continue to have the choice to enroll in vision and/or dental which requires an application to be completed. The table below provides an overview of the vision plan benefit. For specific details about the plan, please refer to the Summary of Benefits. To find a VSP doctor, call 1-800- 877-7195 or log on to the VSP website at www.vsp.com.



Additional information can be found by clicking on the topics below.
- Information from the DSRA BT
- DSRABT and Hartford medical/Rx enrollment forms
- BCBSM Dental and Vision Enrollment Form
- Hartford

NEW for 2020! Our plan administrator is now Benistar Admin Services. If you elect any of the benefit plans offered through DSRABT – dental or vision – you will be billed monthly by Benistar, our plan administrator. Contact Benistar with any questions regarding the enrollment in these plans at
1-888-588-6682. It is essential that your premium payments be made on time. As such, members are highly encouraged to set up an automatic electronic-funds transfer with Benistar to make premium payments. Payments Received After the Due Date If you do not pay your monthly premium by the 1st of the month for which coverage is provided, you run the risk of your coverage being terminated. If premiums for medical, RX, dental, vision and/or life insurance are not paid by the due date, coverage will be terminated as of the last day of the preceding month. All medical,RX, dental, vision and/or life insurance benefits will cease and no claims will be paid. If you are not making any changes to your Dental / Vision coverage, no action is required however, if you use Automatic Electronic Fund Transfers, they will need to be established with Benistar for 2020.
For 2020, for our post-65 members, the Trust no longer has its partnership with Select Quote Senior (SQS). You may still work directly with Select Quote Senior by contacting a licensed Insurance Agent at 1-855-804-6766. This service acts as your personal broker, at no charge to you, and searches the Health Plans available in your area (Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and Prescription Plans) that best fit your personal health needs and your pocketbook. Through its Medicare exchange, SQS provides unbiased price comparisons from insurance carriers to offer you competitive rates on health insurance plans.